All at once

Sometimes I have days when I suddenly have the motivation to work out ideas. All my ideas, all at once. These days are usually very sunny. I don’t need to tell you that my favourite seasons are spring and summer. 

I would like to work on these ideas all at once. On these creative, sunny days, I never know what I want to do first. Do I want to share my good ideas here with everyone? Or do I write everything down in a book that I can share later? When the weather is nice, I often feel like putting my house in order. A messy house is not so conducive to my outbursts. The biggest disadvantage of Belgium is that you usually only have one day where the sun shows itself. So I have a lot of unfinished ideas and often no motivation to start. 

Today, however, it was such a rare sunny day in Ghent. So today, I am writing here on my blog, writing in the book that I really want to publish one day… and putting my house in order a bit. Tomorrow, when the sun has disappeared, I can get back to figuring out which sunny country I’m going to move to. 

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